Hasura Con 2020
Hasura con is a free online conference for Hasura users & the community

ReactEurope 2020
ReactEurope aims to give talks that inspire and explore new futuristic ideas such as React.js, React Native, GraphQL, Relay, and more.

GraphQL Asia 2020
GraphQL Asia is the largest gathering of the GraphQL community in Asia!

BrazilJS Conf 2019
BrazilJS Conf has 10 year history of delivering quality content and always up-to-date information to the dev community in Brazil!

GraphQL Conf 2019
GraphQL Conf is a non-profit GraphQL conference with speakers from all around the world.

GraphQL Asia 2019
GraphQL Asia 2019 is Asia’s first GraphQL conference which consists of talks by speakers around the world and workshops to provide hands-on experience of GraphQL.

JS Kongress 2019
JS Kongress 2019 focuses on the (r)evolution of Architectures. We will dig deeper into the role of JavaScript as a driving force for modern software and cloud architectures.

GraphQL Day 2019
GraphQL Day Toronto is a single-day conference focusing on adopting GraphQL and getting the most out of it in production.