All Conferences JSConf Korea 2019

JSConf Korea 2019

JSConf Korea is a community conference that pushes the boundaries of what can be created using JavaScript, and an opportunity for you to meet with other amazing people in the JS community. Our mission is to make the Korean technology community more daring, more diverse, and more human.

September 2019 Frontend

Congrats! You’re the first person to have a baby at your startup. Now what?| Wendy Gwo |JSConf Korea

September 2019 Frontend

Don't block the event loop!JavaScript Async for Effortless UX|Jaeseok Kang|JSConf Korea 2019(en sub)

September 2019 Frontend

Functional Programming:Learning by Application to Redux and Canvas| Gyujin Cho |JSConf Korea(en sub)

September 2019 Frontend
Lifesaving AI and JavaScript Lifesaving AI and JavaScript

Lifesaving AI and JavaScript

Jaeman An (en sub)